مدرسة بيتي الثاني

حضانة هاندز في التجمع الخامس

اصدقائي احب ابلغ الجميع انة تم افتتاح حضانة هاندز في التجمع الخامس اول سبتمبر 2022 ……….. الحضانة مساحتها 1500 متر وبها اماكن مفتوحة للعب ولمتعة الاطفاال ……. ارجو تيجوا تشوفوها وتدوني تعليقاتكم…

ودي معلومات عن الحضانة

Why HANDS Nursery?
Hands nursery’s program offers peace of mind to each parent by providingthe highest standard of childcare and education. We offer a state of the artcurriculum that is prepared by childcare professionals and applied according to age and child ability. `Our programs are based upon the principles of developmentally appropriate practice. Our goal is to give each child a warm environment that encourages the development of socialization skills, independence, and a positive self-image. Our experienced teaching staffembraces the view that each child is a unique person with an individual pattern and timing of social, physical, and intellectual development. *we accept kids from 3 months to 5 years.*working hours from 7.30 am till 6 pm.*We provide an afternoon shift (7pm – 12aM).*A safe and secure environment (1500 m).*A special program in summer for school children and after school hosting.*Character building, Creative learning and life skills programs.*Games, Music, Songs,Art,Swimming pool and birthday parties.*Medical care and three healthy meals.*4 outdoor and indoor playgrounds.
Telephone: 0190998627 – 0111931343

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

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