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What is ||SOWT Analysis -للتعليم

SOWT analysis

Have you ever felt so confused
between several decisions?

Have you ever wished to
find a tool that can help
you in reducing your
options to take
the right decision?

So, SOWT analysis is the desired tool

SOWT is an analytical tool that is designed
particularly to choose the best option and decision. It’s
mostly used in business field
by companies and their stakeholders, But
this does not make it inappropriate to use in
all fields of life. It’s oppositely very
effective whenever used. SOWT analysis provides
you with information that is
very important to your decision. The
information that is around you but you did
not take it into account because you didn’t
think deeply about it


is an abbreviation consisting of 4 letters

that indicate to the following

S strengths

O opportunities

W weaknesses
T threats

In businesses world, modern companies use
It to analyze their internal and external

How to work

It’s very easy
All what you have to do is that
take a paper with proper size
divide it to a table with 4
sections as the picture below

Now, think deeply in the case you want to
buy a new laptop with special offer that
expired in one month. First, you have to
define strengths and weaknesses that
product contains. Then , move to the
opportunities and threats
The following example will
show you how to use it

After determining all the important points
the decision will be made after dealing
with some data that I have by answering

some questions as the following

How can I take advantage of
the strengths that I have

How can I enhance weaknesses

How can I invest the opportunities available


How can I reduce my fears / threats
After answering the questions

you will be confidently able to

decide the right decision

Finally, you can apply this useful

tool on another decisions or projects

Best wishes… Soma

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