أمومة وطفولة

Three Ways To Handle Baby’s Separation Anxiety -للامومة و الطفل

Long and teary goodbyes are hard on everyone. Here’s how to keep them short and sweet.
* Be comfortable with your babysitter. Find someone reliable, competent, patient, and loving (someone who can stand the paint-peeling squeals with calmness and warmth). If, after a few tries, your baby doesn’t warm up to the caregiver soon after you leave, you may need to try someone else; or try easing your baby into separations more slowly (by leaving him with someone very familiar for frequent, short sessions, slowly building to longer ones).

* Allow for transition time. Avoid handing off the baby to the sitter as you race out the door. Have her arrive at least 15 minutes before you need to leave (even earlier if this is her first time meeting your baby) so that she can start playing with your baby while you’re still in sight. Even if he refuses to get near her, you’re sending the message that she’s okay in your book.

* Don’t be a sneaker. When you do leave, give an advance warning (10 to 15 minutes) and always say good-bye. Sneaking out teaches him that you can disappear without warning — pretty scary for a tiny tot. So give him a hug and a kiss and a cheery, reassuring "bye-bye, see you soon" as you depart. Don’t prolong the agony if he’s miserable, and don’t give in to your own guilt. He’ll be fine, and so will you.

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

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