القسم التعليمي

كتاب: Your research project a step-by-step guide -دراسات عليا

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

كتاب Your research project a step-by-step guide

How do you start a research project?
What are the hallmarks of a successful research project?
These questions are answered in this practical step by step guide to doing a successful research project.
This book systematically explains, in a clear and structured way, the theory of and approaches to research while at the same time helping the student//practitioner to develop the topic of their research and acquire the necessary research skills to undertake the successful completion of a research project. It encourages the formation of critical analysis, rigour and independence of thought, fostering individual judgement and skill in the application of research theory and methods. It also develops the crucial skills required in writing research
proposals, reports and theses.

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