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قصه قصيره للأطفال ومحبى تعلم اللغة بأسلوب بسيط -لتعلم اللغات

one thing at a time

.i call myself Deedy ,but people call me Greedy. I have one brother and one sister

.They are older than me . My brother has a red toy . My sister has a green toy

. I have my blue toy . I like to play with my brother’s toy. I like to play with my sister’s

. I also like to play with my toy. I like to play with the three toys together

. My mother says,One thing at a time,Greedy. I cry and cry . I want to play with the three toys

. I go to the Supermarket with my mother. My mother buys an ice-cream for me

.My mother buys a bar of chocolate for my brother. My mother buys candy floss for my sister

. I eat my ice-cream. I eat my brother’s bar of chocolate . I also eat my sister’s candy floss

.I feel very sick
My mother takes me to the doctor. The doctor says, ‘Eat one thing at a time,Greedy

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