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I’m lost……asking for and giving directions-ردود قيمة- لغات أجنبية

OOOOOH! I’m lost; I can’t find my way

You may say to yourself this sentence especially if you are a foreigner and you get lost ina strange place ; so you need help to find the right place.

but the problem is

You don’t know the suitable expression used in this situation

We are here to help you

Follow me

Look at the examples below.

Asking for directions

Where is (the) . . . ? How do you get to (the) . . . (from here)?How do I get to (the) . . . ?Can you tell me how to get to (the) . . . ?Can you give me directions to (the) . . . ?What’s the best way to get to (the) . . . ?
Could you tell me how to get to (… the pool)? How do I find (…StarBucks Coffee Shop)? Pardon me, I’m lost, how do I get to the (…the main lobby)? Which is the best route to (…Phuket Town)? Could you direct me to (…the beach)? Which way do I go to get to (…the hospital)?
Giving directions
Take this passageway Go up/down the steps On your right/left
Turn right/left
Take the elevator; It’s on the fourth floor Follow this path… Turn right/left at the corridor It’s about 50 meters. Go above 3 kilometers Cross the street It’s on your right/left It’s in the middle of the block
It’s on the corner
Drive south on 4233 It’s next to/ across from/between/in front of Drive to Sam street and turn left/right

A sample questions and answers showing the expresions used to ask and give directions
1. Excuse me. Is there a grocery store around here? Yeah. There’s one right across the street.2. Can you tell me how to get to Phoenix? Sorry. I don’t live around here. 3. Where’s Tanner’s Leather Shop? It’s on the corner of Holly and Vine. Next to the library.4. How do you get to the bank?Go straight down this street for two blocks. Turn left when you get to Maple Street. Stay on Maple for half a block. It’s on the left hand side.

Prepositions used when giving directionsgo straight; go to right / left cross on your right; on your left; beside next to; behind; across; from; in front of


If you remember the points noted above; giving and asking for directions will become a very easy task
Instead of wasting a huge amount of time to get somewhere, there is a very good idea; which is; identifiable landmarks


the tallest building in the street
Stop signs
Police station
Train station
Bus station


To sum it up; this is my humble gift for you all; a handout showing how to give and ask for directions

I hope you like my lesson and you enjoy reading it

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